Coming Home to the Heart


It is true you can return home to the heart again, although that space will always shift through the seasons of being.

Coming Home to Heart

Coming home through shifts and change


This heart has held a lot in this lifetime, and a particularly large amount of loss, humility, pride, love and fear all at once in this last season of being. At times it has been hard to return to the home of the heart, for fear of further pain, awareness, truth. It’s often easier to bury, sleep, do/not do.

However with a deep listening the heart has been calling for ease, begging really, from the pressures of this season. And today it was held in the most beautiful space in structure, people, eyes and voices alike.

It is true you can return home to the heart again, although that space will always shift through the seasons of being. Fertile and ready for growth in some seasons, hot and uncomfortable in others, while bare and dormant in others as well. But if I can open to the knowledge that all these seasons will hold and shape me as they need to, comfort will come but only if I open the door and walk back in.




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